Guides and protocols for suicide prevention and postvention
QPR Suicide (Question, Persuade, Refer) - Suicide prevention training.
ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)
Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program.
Hope Squad - Shcool-based peer-to-peer suicide prevention program.
Signs of Suicide - Suicide prevention program based on ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell).
Traumatic Loss Coalition Program - Community support after a loss by suicide and other traumatic events.
Willow House - Based in Illinois, it provides free grief support groups to families and kids.
The Dougy Center - Based in Portland, Oregon, it provides free grief support groups to families and kids.

Preventing suicide: The role of high school mental health providers.
Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide.
Youth Suicide Prevention School-based Guide.
Virtual Learning Lab: Campus Suicide Prevention.
Culturally Competent Care for LGBTQ+ Youth (video).
Family Acceptance Project (focused on LGBTQ+).
Crisis Text Line (for teens).
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Model legislation: suicide prevention in schools.
Great list of resources including LGBTQ+, Veterans, Youth, etc.