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Suicide defies our universal instinct for self-preservation. It cuts through the core of our beliefs, leaving a trail of pain, emotional overflow, broken relationships, and frequently, a long list of unanswered questions.
What makes this book unique is that the author draws on extensive clinical evidence and personal stories of individuals who attempted suicide, families who lost loved ones, authors, and renowned specialists. It offers a powerful insight into the suicidal mind, comfort, and solace to survivors, practical tips on how to help those who are at risk, and valuable guidance to mental health professionals.
Paula Fontenelle was a noted journalist when her father took his own life, and it is from a personal, as well as a professional point of view that she wrote this honest, insightful book. At first, she wanted to understand what had led her father to suicide, but after hearing heart-wrenching testimonials from people touched by self-inflicted death, she embarked on a journey to address the questions that haunt the lives of more than 800,000 people worldwide, every year.
The first edition of this book was a finalist of “Prêmio Jabuti,” the Brazilian national book prize, and has been a leading reference in that country.
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Reading about other people's experiences can foster a sense of comfort and understanding. It certainly helped me when I was searching for answers about my father's suicide, so I decided to share a list of insightful books that guided me through my personal journey. Some are autobiographical and others have been written by specialists. Nonetheless, they provide crucial information about the subject.
Full disclosure: All the links below lead to my Amazon affiliate program, so if you buy through these links, I get a small percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you. The money will be used to maintain all the expenses related to this website, my podcast, and my YouTube channel. All the work I do on these is voluntary, so I appreciate your support. Another way to contribute is by making a donation (the button is on the top right corner of this website).
If you have book suggestions, please send me through my contact page.

Memoirs on grief and suicide grief
Darkness visible: a memoir of madness - William Styron
Night falls fast: understanding suicide - Kay Redfield Jamison
An unquiet mind: a memoir of moods and madness - Kay Redfield Jamison
The noonday demon: an atlas of depression - Andrew Solomon
No time to say goodbye: Surviving the suicide of a loved one - Carla Fine
A grief observed - C.S. Lewis
After Suicide Loss: Coping with Your Grief - Dr. Jack Jordan
Grief After Suicide: Understanding the Consequences and Caring for the Survivors - Dr. Jack Jordan and John McIntosh
Grieving a suicide: A loved one's search for comfort, answers, and hope - Albert H. Hsu
Dying to be free: A healing guide for families after a suicide - Beverly Cobain and Jean Larch
No one cares about crazy people - Ron Powers
Notes for the everlost: A field guide to grief - Kate Inglis
Out came the sun: Overcoming the legacy of mental illness, addiction, and suicide in my family - Mariel Hemmingway and Ben Greenman
A new mourning: Discovering the gifts in grief - Georgina Eggleston
A matter of death and life - Irvin Yalom
It's OK that you're not ok: Meeting grief and loss in a culture that doesn't understand - Megan Devine
Shattered: From Grief to Joy After My Son's Suicide - Rebecca Tervo
Grief works: stories of life, death and surviving - Julia Samuel
Understanding Suicide
Understanding Suicide: Living with Loss, paths to Prevention - Paula Fontenelle
Why people die by suicide - Thomas Joiner
The Perversion of Virtue: Understanding Murder-Suicide - Thomas Joiner
Myths about suicide - Thomas Joiner
Treating suicidal clients & self-harm behaviors: assessments, worksheets & guides for interventions and long-term care - Meagan Houston
The suicidal mind - Edwin Shneidman
Definition of suicide - Edwin Shneidman
Suicide: a study in sociology - Ëmile Durkheim
November of the soul: the enigma of Suicide - George Howe Colt
Why suicide?: questions and answers about suicide, suicide prevention, and coping with the suicide of someone you know - Eric Marcus
Helping the suicidal person: Tips and Techniques for Professionals - Stacey Freedenthal
Loving Someone with Suicidal Thoughts: What Family, Friends, and Partners Can Say and Do - Stacey Freedenthal
Rethinking Suicide: Why Prevention Fails, and How We Can Do Better - Craig J. Bryan
How Not to Kill Yourself: A Portrait of the Suicidal Mind - Clancy Martin
The Suicide Club: What to Do When Someone You Love Chooses Death - Alexandra Wyman
Anxiety: the missing stage of grief - Claire Bidwell Smith
Option B: facing adversity, building resilience, and finding Joy - Sheryl Sandberg
What made Maddy run: the secret struggles and tragic death of an all-American teen - Kate Fagan
What happened to you? Conversations on trauma, resilience, and healing - Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey
Together: The healing power of human connection in a sometimes lonely world - Vivek H. Murthy, MD.
Shame No More: A framework for healing through grace - Richard Shaw
Thriving after trauma: stories of living and healing - Shari Botwin
Running on empty: Overcome your childhood emotional neglect - Jonice Webb, PhD.